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Paddling Up Stream

Everyone was having a lovely time catching minnows. “Look!” said Murph. “A Mummy duck and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 babies! How sweet.” One of the ducklings was very slow. Lydia was worried that he might get left behind, or maybe he might get lost in the reeds. She wanted to follow the ducklings, to make sure that they were okay. Noticing that Susie was busy chatting to Mark, Lydia snuck off up the river to follow the ducks. Lydia began to sing “Five little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and faraway...” She turned the bend in the river and caught sight of something yellow in a clump of river weed. “Oh no! The poor duckling!” cried Lydia. 14

Paddling Up Stream
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