Safety Information for parents, carers and teachers.
If you choose to cycle or allow your children to do so, please wear appropriate clothes and shoes. Ensure that nothing
dangles or flaps.
Check and maintain your bike regularly to keep it in good working order. There are plenty of websites and
organisations that can give you tips on how to do this.
Scooters are great for getting younger children to travel further and for longer.. Encourage them to think about
stopping distances, the importance of the kerb and being courteous to other people using the path ways.
Be seen – wear reflective clothing and in the daytime, colours that contrast with the environment e.g. orange stands out
more against greenery than black or grey.
Keep safe by investing in a cycle helmet that fits properly, whether you’re scooting or cycling.
Wherever possible use cycle paths or lanes. A bell fitted to your bike and used thoughtfully lets others know you are
When walking - use recognised road crossings whenever possible and teach your children or pupils to do the same.
Distractions – there are many more where gadgets and phones are available. Encourage children to think about how
these can affect their attention when crossing roads or reduce their ability to hear people behind them that may be
trying to pass.
Encourage your school to join the National Junior Road Safety Officers Scheme – a peer-led Road Safety Education
Programme. This is fun, builds confidence and is a great way of getting important messages across. Plus they are
great representatives for your travel plan working group.